About :
Esthablished in 2010 KRAL GmbH is a reliable venture capitalist partner in modern business fields such as telecommunications , e-commerce , high-tech areas and foreign trade.
Its investment portfolio , containing Bosphocom Uydu Haberleşme Ltd. Şti. ( Bosphocom Satellite ) and Bosphocom-ClickMerkez IT Hizmetleri & LEO Uydu Sistemleri A.Ş. ( Bosphocom-ClickMerkez ) amounts roughly to 5 mio USD of invested capital.
Contact Us :
Kral Beteiligungs und Handels GmbH
Adress : Kaiser Friedrich Promenade 134
61352 Bad Homburg , Germany
Tel: +49 (0)6172 923 21 80 / 81
E-Mail : info@kraltelecom.com